Streamline your PCR with crb’s 2X PCR MasterMix crb’s 2X PCR MasterMix provides all ingredients necessary for PCR in a premixed and optimized format that simplifies the PCR workflow. Utilizing different Taq DNA Polymerases, crb offers a variety of highly sensitive MasterMixes to accommodate a wide range of DNA templates and performance needs. crb’s 2X PCR TaqFast MasterMix with dye contains a green dye blend which resolves during gel electrophoresis into a turquoise band at ~4000bp and a yellow band at the ~50bp region. The resolving bands of dye allow easy visualization of the real time progress of your gel electrophoresis, where the yellow band indicates the migrating front in the gel. Benefits of 2X PCR TaqFast MasterMix with dye • High-speed PCR without compromising accuracy • High-processivity to reduce reaction time by 80%   Quantity: 5.0 ml (200 Rxns)