OneScript® Two-Step RT-PCR Kit


Convenient and time-saving reaction set-up with crb’s OneScriptTwo-Step RT-PCR Kit

This highly efficient two-step RT-PCR kit consists of two main components: OneScript® cDNA Synthesis SuperMix and TaqPlus 2X PCR MasterMix with dye.
crb’s cDNA Synthesis SuperMix provides highly efficient and specific conversion of RNA to cDNA, even from low-abundance transcripts. Furthermore, the unique blend of random primers and oligo(dT) primers in this SuperMix ensures optimal representation of all transcript sequences in the cDNA product.

Overall, crb’s cDNA Synthesis SuperMix allows you to perform first-strand cDNA synthesis with minimal effort and maximum ease.

crb’s 2X PCR MasterMix provides all ingredients necessary for PCR in a premixed and optimized format that simplifies the PCR workflow. Utilizing different Taq DNA Polymerases, crb offers a variety of highly sensitive MasterMixes to accommodate a wide range of DNA templates and performance needs. crb’s MasterMix with dye includes, in addition, an inert blue dye and a stabilizer which allow for direct loading of the PCR product(s) onto an agarose gel.

Benefits of OneScript® Two-Step RT-PCR Kit

  • Streamlined protocol suitable for high-throughput applications
  • Ease of use with a simple set-up
  • Excellent cDNA yield and robust PCR performance


Quantity: 100 reactions

